Thank you for supporting Walk A Mile In My Boots

Thank you for supporting Walk A Mile In My Boots

Celsus @ the Royal Adelaide Hospital would like to thank everyone who supported the Celsus Cruisers for the Walk A Mile In My Boots campaign. Through the combined effort of the Celsus Cruisers (Di Mantell GAICD FACHSM, Damien Breen, Michelle Evans, Lianne...
6 Years of the Royal Adelaide Hospital

6 Years of the Royal Adelaide Hospital

The Royal Adelaide Hospital opened its doors for patients on 5 September 2017 and the team at Celsus @ the Royal Adelaide Hospital could not be proud and more appreciative to the team and people who have got us to this point. Celsus would love to thank Downer...
Thank you for supporting Jersey Day

Thank you for supporting Jersey Day

To everyone at the Royal Adelaide Hospital who supported Celsus @ the Royal Adelaide Hospital to hold our 2nd Jersey Day, thank you so so much. A bright, colourful, vivacious and non confrontational event!! Our team ( Lianne Smith-Harding, Rohit Selvaratnam, Sue...