Fast facts
- Located: Port Road (cnr West Tce), Adelaide
- Completed: September 2017
- 700 overnight beds (including 40 mental health beds)
- 100 same-day beds
- 10 bariatric beds
- 40 technical suites (operating, interventional and procedural rooms)
- 25 Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs)
- 1,200 AGV trips each day
- 2.2 hectares of external green space
- 1.6 hectares of internal green space
- 70+ internal courtyards
- 120 quiet staff work spaces
- 1.3 million meals served each year
- 2,300 carparks
- 300 bicycle parks
- 150 motorcycle parks
- 50 disability parks
- 2 helipad parking capacity
- 7 x the size of neighbouring SA Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI)